Heavy Duty ATV Tipping Trailer SDT (Gamekeeping)

This trailer is ideal for heavy duty tasks such as moving stone/gravel/logs etc.

Heavy Duty Tipping Trailer SDT

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The SDT is an off-road ATV Tipping trailer designed for hard work and heavy duty tipping tasks. It benefits from a very strong all welded steel construction and has a fully hot-dip galvanised body.

The tipping system is simple and strong, with flotation wheel and tyres (22×11-8) fitted as standard. There is also a turf tyre option if required. Swivel tow hitches and bead lock wheel rims come as standard for extra safety.

Standard Gearbox
High Speed Gearbox
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Typical specifications and guide prices

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Sprayer Boom Range Video

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North UK & Export:
+44 01434 606 661
South UK:
01285 720 930

Standard Features

  • Trailer body dimensions: 1500 x 1000 x 400mm
  • Hot-dip galvanised body for durability
  • All-steel, fully welded construction
  • Robust manual tipping mechanism
  • Bead lock wheel rims for added safety
  • 50mm swivel tow hitch
  • Flotation tyres for low ground pressure


  • Turf tyre option available

Why and where to use...

Heavy Duty ATV Tipping Trailer

The SDT is an ideal, robust trailer useful in many different situations such as maintaining woodland pathways, moving rocks and gravel and carrying and tipping larger items such as bricks and logs.

A major advantage of the SDT is its low ground pressure and when used with an ATV, it allows access to the land in conditions that would be impossible with a tractor or even a 4×4.

The SDT is ideal for those construction or maintenance jobs in the winter, where you are travelling over the same area of land with a number of loads in less than ideal conditions – the low ground pressure of an ATV and the SDT ensures minimal ground damage and maximum work rate.

*All prices are provided as a guide only.
Please contact your local dealer for latest offers and a precise specification based quote.


Heavy Duty ATV Tipping Trailer SDT (Gamekeeping)

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