System 40 Spreader S407

The Logic System 40 spreader provides farmers with a low ground pressure option for tractor-sized equipment.

System 40 Spreader

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The Logic System 40 chassis and spreader provides farmers with a low ground pressure option for tractor-sized equipment.

The Logic System 40 chassis and spreader is based on a Vicon 503 unit and is simply bolted on the unique cross-member of the System 40 chassis.

Please note: It may be possible to utilise an existing farm spreader - please speak to Logic for advice.

Where rough ground may be encountered, the tandem axle version provides additional stability. Equipment can be quickly remounted for tractor use in just a few minutes.

The System 40 spreader provides full spreader functionality in a way that can be safely towed behind an ATV. The unit can then easily be mounted on a three-point linkage for tractor use if required.

This brings complete flexibility to the task of spreading, allowing access to the land when the fertiliser is going to be at its most effective.


Standard Gearbox
High Speed Gearbox
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Typical specifications and guide prices

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North UK & Export:
+44 01434 606 661
South UK:
01285 720 930

Standard Features

  • Vicon 503 fertiliser spreader c/w fitting kit


  • Alternative fitting kits for existing spreaders available.

Why and where to use...


System 40 spreaders allow farmers to get onto the land early in the season or when conditions would be far too soft for a tractor.

The System 40 adjustable wheel track enables the equipment to take advantage of existing tramlines and together with the low ground pressure of the equipment, this ensures crops are not significantly damaged by the equipment.

*All prices are provided as a guide only.
Please contact your local dealer for latest offers and a precise specification based quote.


System 40 Spreader S407

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