Super Harrow LSH - 4X4 UTV or ATV Harrow (Groundcare)

Superior harrow performance using 52 EinbockTM tines

Super ATV Harrow LSH

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The LSH 4X4 UTV or ATV Harrow has tensioned spring tines mounted on a frame.

This ensures that the tines are kept in firm contact with the surface at all times, giving superior dead grass removal and soil scarifying action.

Developed by EinbockTM (the number one brand for agricultural harrows), this technology pioneered organic weeding and plant stimulation methods. The 2.0m width gives good work rates and the tine settings are adjustable to cope with different conditions.

A 12v control box sited next to the operator enables the raising and lowering of the tines via an electric ram. This means the operator can quickly put the harrow in and out of work mode without leaving the driver's seat, allowing easy transport between sites and increased manoeuvrability in awkward areas.

The Logic solution gives excellent harrowing results whilst minimising the effects of compaction on the soil structure.

The Super Harrow represents the very best in harrow technology.

Standard Gearbox
High Speed Gearbox
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Typical specifications and guide prices

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Sprayer Boom Range Video

TPL Mount Video

North UK & Export:
+44 01434 606 661
South UK:
01285 720 930

Standard Features

  • Superior harrow performance using 52 EinbockTM tines
  • 2.0 m harrow width
  • 4 rows of tines with three adjustment settings
  • Strong construction
  • Tow behind any suitable vehicle
  • Adjustable harrow tine settings to suit various conditions
  • 12v electric ram for remote raise/lower of harrow


Why and where to use...

4X4 UTV or ATV Harrow

*All prices are provided as a guide only.
Please contact your local dealer for latest offers and a precise specification based quote.


Super Harrow LSH - 4X4 UTV or ATV Harrow (Groundcare)

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